Winter and Advent are now truly upon us. I do hope your preparations for the festive season are progressing well and you get to spend quality time with your families.
We have had an exciting and busy November. Janet Aslett guided us through some very easy Christmas crafts for our regular Tuesday meeting – paper angels, woolie Christmas hats four our baubles and more. See our beautifully coordinated and decorated trees in the next edition of Country Life and Ideal Home magazine. Maybe not…..

We had a fabulous folk night at Canada Hall – The CoHorts are a great band with a large repertoire of songs for us to join in with – requests were taken, and a good might was had by all who attended – they were so good, we’re going to invite them back in 2025 in conjunction Merstham Village Hall trustees for a folk dance. The cake and raffle were a big hit.

For our next Tuesday meeting we’ll be hosting our Christmas party on 10th December from 7.30pm please do book in for this. Soup, bread, mulled wine and pudding will be provided. Do bring cake and raffle prizes. We’ll need to know how many to cater for. We’ll have a raffle, games and possibly a quiz. Please do invite any local friends to this evening to introduce them to our group. It should be a lovely social evening. Wear your Christmas jumpers! And hats....
On Wednesday 12th and Saturday 21st Santa will be weaving his way around Merstham with the Rotary Club and scouts. If anyone would like to see Merstham’s Christmas lights and follow (ish) Santa around I’m quite happy to organise this. We will of course finish at the feathers.
On 19th there will be mulled wine, Santa and carols on Nutfield Road outside Serendipity at 5.30pm so do pop along to join in. There’ll be carols at the feathers on Friday 20th December from 6pm for all to join in – indoors this time!
On Sunday 22nd December the CoHorts Band will be performing at Pilgrims Brewery in Reigate – I will be going so if anyone fancies a wonder around Reigate’s Christmas lights and finishing up at Pilgrims brewery for Folk and Beer let me know….
Our film and theatre WhatsApp group is up and running – email the group if you’d like to be added. Please do suggest local plays and films in good time and we’ll see if we can book. Dorking Halls have a couple of interesting events in the new year. Agatha Christie’s Witness for the Prosecution on 23rd of January looks interesting. There are also a couple of interesting live music events that I’ve posted on Facebook that aren’t too expensive. Seth Lakeman is performing in Brighton in March at around £25 a ticket this should be a great night out. Forget Coldplay at 200 quid….. I’m om the lookout for other local events too. There are some great amateur dramatic plays at The Archway, Horley, and other nearby places.
In January we hold our AGM and social. If you’d like to stand for the committee, please do consider joining. We’re always interested in new ideas and places to visit. If you’re interested in something, so will others be. We have already a full and varied Tuesday night programme for 2025. We have speakers, walks, craft events and more.
Our usual weekday craft and natter meetings at the hub continue on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Free hot drinks are back until March. I’m also hopeful that the mix café may be open again in early 2025.
We’re happy to continue with pub nights and socials as requested. In better weather, we will of course be at local shows and fairs and we’ll be looking into local garden visits. We look forward to seeing you at upcoming meetings. Merstham Women’s Group Committee wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.